Around the World in 8 Toys
Great toys from around the world. Many toys are common to different countries. Our Bibloquet to is also known as a Boliche in Spain. Don't miss the Daruma Otoshi game. A great toy from Japan that is often played around the New Year. Our American Twirler lights up once you get it spinning and looks great in low light. A perfect, ready to go under the tree with no wrapping, gift box of non-digital toys.
Daruma Otoshi - Our Favorite Game!
French Bibloquet - Ball and Cup
Brazilian Egg Shaker - Percussion
American Twirler - Lights Up
Russian Nesting Animal Dolls - Cute!
Mongolian Damru - Finger Drum
Indian Coin Purse - Keep Treasures Safe
Gutamalan Foot Bag - Hacky Sack
Includes gift ready Celebration Box and Free 2 Day Shipping.
Also includes an information sheet covering each toy.